

2010年9月11日 星期六

Brown Eyed Girls - Sound-G Japan DVD (中字翻譯)

Credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter/whoelse @ PTT- BEG


Narsha: 大韓民國~

BEG: Fighting!

BEG: 大家好,我們是Brown Eyed Girls!

Miryo: 大家好,我是Miryo,是Brown Eyed Girls中的(牙齒)矯正擔當,請多指教(Jea哇了很大一聲)。

Jea: 大家好,我是像忙內(老么)的隊長,請多指教。

Narsha: Hi~ 我是Narsha,大家好。

GaIn: 大家好,我是GaIn。

問題: 來日本旅遊時對日本有什麼印象呢?

Miryo: 日本人都很親切,而且非常愛乾淨。我記得在街道旁林立的住宅等都非常漂亮。

問題: 成員間對彼此的第一印象怎麼樣?

Jea: Miryo很安靜,而且看起來很瘦小。現在當然也很瘦,但我當時有點懷疑這麼瘦弱的身材要怎麼唱Rap。但她的表演非常有力量,讓我大吃一驚。Narsha則是高中時就認識但不太熟的朋友,嗓門很大但人卻是小小一隻,和我的身高差不多。我試著和她聯絡後發現她的聲音還是一樣宏亮,還滿高興的。GaIn的話也是身材很嬌小,卻擁有在她這個年紀非常罕見的有力重低音,讓我很驚訝。我當時就想絕對要把這個小女生拉進我們團,於是就邀她入團了。

問題: 成員各自的性格是?

Narsha: Jea是從高中時代就開始一起學音樂的朋友,以前的她和現在完全一樣,是成員當中改變最小的,一直都很活潑開朗。

Jea: GaIn雖然是忙內,卻常常關心姊姊們,(Narsha: 很會照顧人)是很會照顧人的性格。她很有女人味,也擅長料理。

Narsha: 雖然是忙內卻是最像大嬸的一個,個性很成熟。

Jea: Narsha則是比較脆弱。

Narsha: 我是比外表看起來還要容易受傷的性格。

Jea: 很有女人味,而且其實平常的話不多。

Narsha: 是啊,我是很有女人味的。

Narsha: Jea呢,一般人都覺得她很有女人味,但其實完全不是這樣。她是我們當中最活潑也最有活力的一個。

Jea: 我是像忙內一樣的隊長。

Narsha: Miryo的話,很多人都只記得她在舞台上的樣子。因為她是rapper,一般會覺得她應該充滿了粗獷的hip hop精神。

Jea: 但她反而是我們裡面最女性化的。

Narsha: 個性最純真的一個。

問題: 錄製日文版「Abracadabra」時最困難的是什麼?

Jea: 有些日文單字的發音對韓國人來說很困難,所以我們一邊錄製一邊煩惱著如果日本fan聽不懂我們的歌該怎麼辦。幸好不斷的練習之後,漸漸習慣了日文的發音,所以我們的表現比一開始好多了。如果能得到大家正面的評價就好了。

問題: 左右擺動臀部的舞蹈給人很強烈的印象呢...

Jea: Hot Chicks和Yama是韓國很有名的舞蹈團體,他們聽了我們的歌之後幫忙編了這支時尚的(chic)舞。對我們來說,他們簡直就像是恩師一樣,也是因為這支舞的關係才讓這麼多人知道我們的歌,所以很感謝他們。

問題: 請對日本的fan說幾句話吧!

Miryo: 日本的fan,我愛你們!

Jea: Me, too!

Narsha: 很愛很愛你們!

GaIn: 這是第一次進軍海外,我們自己也很非常高興。我們本來就對日本的文化方面等等很有興趣,如果能透過這次機會受到大家的喜愛,讓更多人知道我們及我們的歌就太好了!

BEG: 請大家多多指教!

-----------------------------------Jea 個人訪問--------------------------------------

Jea: 我是Brown Eyed Girls的隊長Jea,很高興見到大家。

問題: 歌唱得很棒呢,是從什麼時候開始學唱歌的呢?

Jea: 其實我沒有特別學過唱歌,但從小學時代開始就常常唱流行歌或迪士尼的歌曲,對我有很大的幫助。高中的時候則組了樂團,就這樣自然而然的開始接觸音樂,應該是那時候提升了歌唱實力吧!

問題: 在日本最想做的事情是?

Jea: 去日本的話想跟玉木宏見個面,開玩笑的!目前呢,我想去最~好吃的拉麵店吃拉麵。

問題: 今後有什麼夢想?

Jea: 我希望之後能透過音樂進軍全世界。另外,我對電影音樂也很有興趣,希望能像久時讓先生一樣做出動人的音樂。

----------------------------------Narsha 個人訪問-----------------------------------

Narsha: 我是Brown Eyed Girls的Narsha,大家好!

問題: 藝名Narsha有什麼涵義?

Narsha: 常常有fan誤會,但"Narsha"這個名字並不是外國語,而是出自韓國古代詩文的詞彙,是純正的韓語,意思是在空中飛翔。

Narsha: 我現在正要去錄電台直播的節目。大家也許知道了吧,我是DJ,「Narsha的提高音量」89.1MHz。因為是直播所以要加快腳步囉!

Narsha: 直播!節目快開始了。

問題: 在日本最想做的事情是?

Narsha: 最想去購物。我對服裝很有興趣,在日本可以買到很多種類的流行單品,此外也想多多接觸日本文化。希望能在原宿等地方看到可愛的單品。

問題: 前陣子在韓國開始了Solo活動,和團體的活動有什麼不同嗎?

Narsha: 這是我第一次進行Solo活動,在錄音時就感覺到只有一個人果然很困難,像是必須要一個人唱這麼多段落、一個人錄完整張專輯等等,真的壓力很大。在舞台上也沒有成員的陪伴,許多工作都得靠自己完成,非常辛苦。

-----------------------------------Miryo 個人訪問-----------------------------------

Miryo: 大家好,我是Brown Eyed Girls的rap擔當Miryo。

Miryo: 因為負責rap所以看起來好像比較強勢,其實我是一個純真可愛的女生。

問題: 是從什麼時候開始學日語的?

Miryo: 我是從大學時代開始學習日語的,已經是10年前了呢。大一的時候朋友推薦我看日劇,我覺得很有趣,於是憑著興趣開始自學日語。

問題: 最喜歡的日語是什麼?

Miryo: 喜歡,喜歡的日語...嗯...韓國?最喜歡的日語是「拉麵」,我很喜歡拉麵。

問題: 在音樂上對你影響最深的人是?

Miryo: 小時候有個團體叫「徐太志和孩子們」,他們當時在韓國吹起了一股旋風。裡面我最喜歡的是徐太志,我那時候希望將來也能像徐太志一樣成為偉大的音樂人,他對我的影響最深,也是透過他我才認識hip hop。之後我雖然也接觸了其他的hip hop音樂人,但一開始是徐太志給我的啟發。

問題: 在日本最想做的事情是?

Miryo: 最想做的事啊,是和成員們一起在市區逛街購物。之前有好幾次想跟成員們一起去日本,但一直沒有去成,所以這次應該會像中了購物毒一樣到處逛吧!

------------------------------------GaIn 個人訪問-----------------------------------

GaIn: 大家好,我是Brown Eyed Girls的忙內GaIn,很高興見到大家。

問題: 印象最深刻的是哪一場演出?

GaIn: 印象最深刻的還是出道舞台吧!現在看了好想把它從記憶裡消除。那時候青澀的樣子不知道是好還是不好。因為是第一次上台的關係吧,不管是唱歌的樣子還是其他的部分,看起來都很生澀。不過,這場演出讓我留下了最深刻的印象。

問題: 在日本最想做的事情是?

GaIn: 日本電影裡面會有一幕在五、六月左右騎腳踏車的場景,我也想試試看,我只是覺得那樣很美。

問題: 你們在舞台上的服裝都比較大膽,那私底下的穿著呢?

GaIn: 平常穿的衣服...不會是那種大膽的服裝。上電視時穿的衣服都比較貼身,布料比較少,所以私底下喜歡穿的輕鬆一點,像寬大的T恤之類的,就算吃飯時小腹跑出來也不用在意。平常的話是以輕便的衣服為主。


Narsha: 大家好~

Miryo&Narsha: 晚安!

Miryo: 我們是來進行showcase的,負責開場。(Narsha在旁邊附和)

GaIn: 大家好,我是Brown Eyed Girls的...(Miryo翻成日語)

GaIn: (偷偷說)外貌擔當的GaIn。

Miryo: (亂翻)是豬~(日文的豬=buta)

GaIn: "Buta"是什麼?

Jea: "Buta"!

GaIn: Fight!(加油)

Miryo: Fight!

Brown Eyed Girls - Sound-G Japan DVD (Eng Sub in progress...)

Credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter/whoelse @ PTT- BEG

*I only know very little Korean, so the translation is mainly based on the Japanese subtitles.

-----Please take out with full credits----

BEG: Hello! We are Brown Eyed Girls!

Miryo: Hi! I'm Miryo, and I'm in charge of wearing brace in the group.

Jea: Hi! I'm the magnae-like leader, Jea. Nice to meet you.

Narsha: Hi! I'm Narsha. Nice to meet you.

GaIn:  Hi! I'm GaIn.

Q: What's your impression traveling in Japan?

Miryo: I think the Japanese people are really nice, and they keep everything neat and tidy. I also remember that the houses along the streets are all beautiful.

Q: What's your first impression on one another?

Jea: Miryo was very quiet and seemed a little weak. She is still slim now, but I was wondering whether she could

100909 Brown Eyed Girls Real Guide Japan Interview (Eng Sub)

Credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter/whoelse @ PTT- BEG

*I only know very little Korean, so the translation is mainly based on the Japanese subtitles.

-----Please take out with full credits----

Miryo: For those who are watching Real Guide~

BEG: Hello! We are Brown Eyed Girls! I’m GaIn. I’m Jea. I’m Miryo. I’m Narsha.

Narsha: Our Japan debut album “SOUND-G” is about to release in August 25th. We have recorded the Japanese version of “Abracadabra” specially for this album. Check it out, please!

Q: Please tell us about the song “Abracadabra”!

Miryo: It’s our first time to do electronic music, and the lyrics is about the determination of winning a man’s heart. Listen to the song, please~

Q: Please show us the dance moves of “Abracadabra”!

Miryo: First, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, cross your arms, bend your knees a bit, and then swing your hip from right to left. Right, left, right, left. Facial expression is important here. See? The saucy look!

Q: Tell us more about Brown Eyed Girls!

Jea: It’s been five years since our debut, and our music originally focused on Hybrid Soul. We have three vocals and one rapper. Now we’re trying to do all kinds of music.

Q: What do you think about Japan?

Jea: Actually, it’s my first time coming to Japan. We haven’t been to other places since arrival, but we’ve received some Wagashi (traditional Japanese confectionery). It’s really delicious! Also, I’m worried about tomorrow’s performance since our clothes will be a little exposing (smile).

Narsha: Please support Brown Eyed Girls! Love you!

2010年9月10日 星期五

100909 Brown Eyed Girls 日本 Real Guide 訪問 (含翻譯)

Credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter/whoelse @ PTT- BEG

*這次的訪問比較沒那麼好笑,而且日文字幕實在很簡短...@@"  感覺女孩講了很多,但字幕才一句(冏)  恭喜Jea吃到和菓子XD


Miryo: 正在收看Real Guide的觀眾朋友們~

BEG: 大家好,我們是Brown Eyed Girls! 我是GaIn,:我是Jea,我是Miryo,我是Narsha。

Narsha: 我們的日本出道專輯「SOUND-G」即將在8月25日發行。為了這張專輯,我們也特別花了很多心血錄製日文版的Abracadabra,請大家一定要聽喔!

問題: 請介紹一下"Abracadabra"這首歌!

Miryo: Abracadabra是我們第一次挑戰電子風格的音樂,歌詞內容表達的是「絕對要讓他回頭愛上我」這樣的心情,請大家一定要聽聽看。

問題: 請教我們"Abracadabra"的傲慢舞要怎麼跳!

Miryo: 首先把腳打開至與肩同寬,把手交叉在胸前,再把腰放低左右搖擺,右左右左。重點是表情!看!就是這種性感(M似乎是說傲慢)的表情!

問題: 請介紹一下Brown Eyed Girls!

Jea: Brown Eyed Girls目前已經成軍五年了,當初是以Hybrid Soul作為主要的音樂風格。我們的成員包括三個主唱和一個rapper,目前則積極嘗試各種不同類型的音樂。

問題: 來到日本有什麼感想呢?

Jea: 我其實是第一次來到日本,到現在哪裡都還沒去,不過有人送了和果子給我們,非常好吃。另外就是明天公演的服裝比較露,有點擔心(笑)。

Narsha: 請大家以後要多多支持Brown Eyed Girls喔!我愛你們!

2010年9月7日 星期二

100905 韓流フォンデュ Brown Eyed Girls 電視訪問 Part 2 (含翻譯)

Credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter/whoelse @ PTT- BEG


*翻中文的時候發現之前翻的英文版有一些小錯誤,但我好懶得改啊= =

Part 2


Jea: 冷。

主持人: 冷? 啊~很冷對吧?因為衣服穿得比較少的關係吧~所以會冷。

Jea: 男朋友。

主持人: 想要有男朋友嗎?

Jea: Want you!

主持人: Want you.. ok ok 很冷喔?這種時候會想要有人可以取暖對吧?

Jea: 你是說被男朋友抱著?

主持人: 嗯~這樣不是很好嗎?

Jea: Wow, very good!

主持人: (大笑)那Narsha呢?

Narsha: 大家一起拍手吧!

主持人: 啊~很好!懂這句很不錯喔,在表演就能派上用場了。

主持人: Miryo呢?

Miryo: 我的話,"irujan"和"arujan"後面不是都是"jan"嗎?那個"jan"的發音很可愛。而在韓文裡也有"chana"這樣的用法,兩個感覺很類似。

Narsha: Miryo jan~(註:暱稱的話是chan才對)

Miryo: 不是那個chan啦!

Narsha: 抱歉!

Miryo: 是像"很帥不是嗎?"這樣的用法。

Jea: 很帥不是嗎?(揣摩中)

主持人: 我覺得意思有點不一樣...

Miryo: 我是不是記錯了啊~總之,我喜歡日語的這個用法。

主持人: 了解,那GaIn呢?

GaIn: 我的聲音比較低沉,所以聽到像"ee","sugoii","kakkoii"(Miryo叫GaIn停止)就覺得日語的發音很可愛,像"ee"這種的我很喜歡。

主持人: 你的音調變高了耶。

GaIn: 對吧?用韓語的話是這樣"ne?",用日語的話是這樣"ee?"。日語的發音實在太可愛了!

Jea: Sound-G是我們的正規三輯,為了提高音樂(sound)的完成度,我們下了很多功夫在這張專輯上。Abracadabra這首歌在音樂方面也在韓國成為炙手可熱的話題,受到很多人歡迎。能在日本發行這張專輯,我們真的非常高興。

主持人: 成員中誰最可靠?喔~到底是誰呢?

GaIn: 是我嗎?我都不知道耶~

主持人: GaIn有...(N: GaIn兩票)兩票。

Jea: 那我呢?

主持人: Jea一票。Narsha..

Narsha: GaIn投給我?

GaIn: 對。

Narsha: Miryo一票也沒有。

Jea: 因為不可靠~

Narsha: 不能指望Miryo啊。

GaIn: 我都是被依賴的那個。

Miryo: 我也要靠她。

主持人: 原來Miryo是可愛的性格啊!

Narsha: 沒這回事。

主持人: GaIn得了兩票,但GaIn不是忙內嗎?

GaIn: 我也不明白...

Narsha: 為什麼?為什麼?

主持人: 有什麼原因嗎?

Miryo: 她在宿舍裡就像所長一樣領導我們。

Narsha: 孫所長!

主持人: 哪一部分像所長呢?

Jea: 雖然年輕,卻沒有年輕人的樣子。

主持人: 這樣啊。

Jea: 有時反而像姊姊一樣。

GaIn: 我會這樣是有理由的,我們不像少女時代或KARA那樣成員年紀都差不多。我18歲的時候就開始和姊姊們一起生活了。

Jea: 我們差了六歲。

主持人: 但是看不太出來呢!


主持人: 抱歉啦~是因為姊姊們看起來都很年輕。

GaIn: 我常聽到別人跟我這麼說,有點傷心。

主持人: 流汗了。

GaIn: 沒關係~

主持人: 那接著下一個問題,成員中誰最性感?

GaIn: 我覺得是Miryo。

主持人: Jea指的是自己。

Jea: 不是這樣啦,成員中除了我以外都很性感,所以我是因為在想要選誰而苦惱。

主持人: 這樣啊。那最多票的是誰?

Jea: Miryo最多。


Narsha: Miryo越來越有女人味,穿著也很性感,真的越變越漂亮了。

主持人: Miryo變漂亮的祕訣是什麼呢?

Miryo: 我慢慢開始有成為女人的感覺。

GaIn: 什麼啊?(主持人大笑)

Jea: 什麼意思啊?

Narsha: 大家抱歉~

主持人: (笑)很好啊!我真的很喜歡Miryo~

Miryo: 內在美麗的話也會表現在外在...(笑)

主持人: 很直率的答案啊。

Narsha: 沒關係!

Miryo: 其實我也不知道該怎麼做才會變漂亮...

主持人: 自己也不知道啊~

Jea: 一、二輯的時候Miryo真的很男孩子氣,現在和以前不同,變得很女性化。

主持人: 和以前很不一樣,變得性感許多。了解,那下一個問題是成員中最時髦的是誰?

GaIn: 這個真的很難,因為大家都很時髦。

主持人: 每個人都時髦到讓人無法做決定?只能選出一個人太難了對吧。

Narsha: 是啊。

Jea: 每個人的風格都太different了~

Narsha: 每個人不同的穿衣風格是在突顯自己的優點,所以會有不同的個性。

主持人: 那大家喜歡的風格是怎樣的呢?

Narsha: Jea的話是有點可愛的風格。

Miryo: 她不喜歡那種的。

Jea: 不,我討厭那種風格。

Narsha: 雖然討厭,但Jea不管穿什麼都看起來很可愛。

GaIn: 她還喜歡櫻桃圖案之類的。

Jea: 那是以前~

Narsha: 都30歲了還穿櫻桃圖案...

Jea: No no no no no!我是走chic路線。

Narsha: 只有本人這樣認為...

Jea: 我看起來哪裡可愛了?哪裡??

主持人: Jea喜歡chic style,那Narsha呢?

Narsha: 我喜歡華麗的風格,也喜歡特別一點的設計。

Miryo: 她會混搭不同的顏色,看起來真的很華麗。

Narsha: 我正在收集看起來很獨特的衣服。

主持人: 今天看起來也很華麗呢!Miryo呢?

Jea: 不知名的style。

Narsha: 她有自己特別的風格。

GaIn: 她有獨特的時尚感。

Narsha: 誰都沒辦法模仿的~

GaIn: 比如說穿著印有怪物的衣服...

主持人: 怪物t-shirt?

Miryo: 不是啦,我最近喜歡的是復古風格。

GaIn: 她最近走復古風。

Jea: 我也是走復古風格啊,櫻桃圖案不就是屬於這種風格的嗎?

主持人: 大家好像都不這麼認為。

Jea: 因為我不管穿什麼都會變得很可愛啊。

主持人: 我知道了,那GaIn呢?

GaIn: 我喜歡暗色系的衣服。

Jea: 她喜歡單一色系,衣服幾乎都是黑、白或灰色的。

GaIn: 其他人都會叫我穿亮一點的顏色。

Jea: 但她很適合暗色系。

Miryo: Chichi(口誤)...是Chic style~

字幕: 成員們親自傳授造成話題的傲慢舞!

Miryo: 上半身往後仰,骨盆像這樣左右來回擺動。跳的時候表情一定要很傲慢!

Jea: 表情很重要。

主持人: 在這麼近的距離看真的很有魄力呢!但感覺不會很難~我們一起跳好嗎?

GaIn: 看得出來跳得很辛苦...

Miryo: 真的開始跳就會覺得困難了。

Jea: 上半身要往後。

GaIn: 還有表情。

Jea: Wow~預備開始,就這樣右左右左。Wow, very good!

Narsha: 很棒喔!

主持人: 謝謝!

Narsha: 韓流Fondue的各位觀眾,這次能到日本來跟大家見面真的很高興。我們Brown Eyed Girls之後也會努力在日本活動,請大家多多支持我們喔!韓流Fondue fighting!

100905 Brown Eyed Girls Japan Interview Part 2 (Eng Sub)

2010.09.05 「韓流フォンデュ」Brown Eyed Girls Japan Interview Part 2

credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter

*I only know very little Korean, so the translation is mainly based on the Japanese subtitles.

*Don't know what question the host asked, but probably "what's your favorite japanese phrase?" or "what japanese phrase have you learned lately?"

-----Please take out with full credits----

Jea: Cold.

Host: Cold? Ah, because the outfits are a little exposing.

Jea: And boyfriend.

Host: Do you want one?

Jea: Want you. (I guess she's talking to the audience..)

Host: Ok, ok. It's cold, right? It'll make you wanna have somebody to keep you warm.

Jea: You mean being held by my boyfriend?

Host: Yeah. It'll be great.

Jea: Wow, very good!

Host: How about Narsha?

Narsha: Please give us a round of applause!

Host: That's good! You can use it in the live performance.

Host: And Miryo?

Miryo: For me, I think the pronunciation of "jan" is very cute, like in "irujan" and "arujan" (= it's here, isn't it). We have a similar phrase in Korean "chana".

Narsha: Miryo "jan"~ (N mispronounced the word, should be "chan")

Miryo: It's not that "chan".

Narsha: sorry~

Miryo: For example, "jan" in "kakkoii jan(so handsome, isn't him)".

Host: I think the meaning is a bit different..

Miryo: I also feel that I was wrong...anyway, this is my favorite phrase in Japanese.

Host: I see. How about GaIn?

GaIn: Since I have a deeper voice, I like Japanese because it sounds cute. For example, "ee (what?)", "sugoii (great!), and "kakkoii (handsome!)."

Miryo: Stop it~

GaIn: When I hear those phrases, they just sound so cute to me, like "ee?" I like it.

Host: Your voice become higher.

GaIn: It's not cute when you're saying it in Korean like "ne?", but in Japanese it's really cute, "ee?".

Jea: Sound-G is our third album, and we've put a lot of effort into it and hope to make our music perfect. The song Abracadabra has become a big sensation in Korea. And we're so happy that we can release this album in Japan now.

Q: Who is the most dependable among BEG?

Jea      →  GaIn
Narsha   Jea
Miryo     GaIn
GaIn      Narsha

Host: Who is it?

GaIn: Is it me?

Host: GaIn got two votes.

Jea: And me?

Host: Jea got one vote.

Narsha: I got GaIn's vote?

GaIn: Yeah.

Narsha: Miryo got no vote!

Jea: Cuz she's not dependable.

Narsha: You can't depend on her.

GaIn: unni(older sister)-s always count on me.

Miryo: I also depend on her.

Host: So, in fact Miryo has a cute character?

Jea/Narsha: That's not true...

Host: GaIn got two votes, but arern't you the magnae (the youngest)?

GaIn: I don't know why they choose me.

Narsha: Why?

Host: What are the reasons?

Miryo: GaIn is like the boss of our dorm. She's always leading us.

Host: What kind of boss is she?

Jea: She's still young, but she seems older than her actual age.

Host: Oh.

Jea: Sometimes she acts like an unni(older sister).

GaIn: There's a reason for this. We are not like Girls' Generation or KARA that are formed by girls with similar age. I've been living with the members since I was 18.

Jea: She's six years younger than us.

Host: I can't tell the difference.

GaIn: What?

Host: Sorry~ That's because other members look younger than their age.

GaIn: Actually, I've heard it a lot.

Host: She's sweating now.

GaIn: I'm ok.

Host: The next question is who's the sexiest out of BEG?

Jea        Jea
Narsha   Miryo
Miryo     Narsha
GaIn      Miryo

GaIn: I think it's Miryo.

Host: Jea is pointing to herself.

Jea: No. I'm just thinking who to choose since they are all sexy, except me.

Host: Uh-huh. Then who got the most votes?

Jea: Miryo.

Narsha: Miryo is becoming more and more feminine. Her outfits are very sexy, and she is more beautiful than before.

Host: What's Miryo's secret then?

Miryo: I feel that I'm gradually becoming a woman.

GaIn: What?

Narsha: Sorry~

Host: Nice. I really like her.

Miryo: The inner beauty is visible from the outside.

Host: We've got her honest answer.

Narsha: It's ok.

Miryo: In fact, I don't have any secret.

Jea: Miryo's got a boyish look until the end our second album promotion, but now she has brought out the feminine side of her ans become sexier.

Host: So It's different from the past.

Jea: That's right.

Host: I see. Let's move on to the next question. Who is the most fashionable member?

Jea: fashionable?

GaIn: It's hard since we are about the same.

Host: Everyone is fashionable, so it's hard to make the decision?

Jea       Narsha
Narsha  Jea Miryo
Miryo    GaIn
GaIn     Miryo

Host: It's difficult to choose only one member.

Jea: We have very different styles.

Narsha: We wear clothes that highlight the advantages of our body shapes and present our different characters.

Host: What styles do you like?

Narsha: I think Jea likes the cute style.

Miryo: She doesn't like that.

Jea: No, I don't.

Narsha: No matter what she wears, she looks cute.

GaIn: She likes cherry print and stuff like that.

Jea: Not anymore.

Narsha: She's 30 years old and wear cherry print...

Jea: No no no. I like chic style.

Narsha: It's just her own thought, not us.

Jea: Do I look cute? Do I?

Host: How about Narsha? What style do you like?

Narsha: I like fancy clothes and unique design.

Miryo: She'll mix and match different colors together, so it looks really flashy.

Narsha: I'm collecting clothes with unique design.

Host: You're wearing fancy clothes today, too. How about Miryo?

Miryo: I don't know.

Narsha: She has her own style.

GaIn: She has a unique sense of fashion.

Narsha: No one can copy her.

GaIn: For example, she sometimes has a monster printed on her clothes...

Host: Monster on a t-shirt?

Miryo: Now I'm more into vintage fashion.

GaIn: Yeah. She's been wearing vintage style lately.

Jea: I wear vintage style, too. Cherry print belongs to this category.

Host: But other don't think so.

Jea: That's because no matter what I wear, I look cute.

Host: I see.

Jea: GaIn next.

Host: How about GaIn?

GaIn: I like dark-colored clothes.

Jea: Monotone. Her clothes are mainly black, white, and grey.

GaIn: Everyone keeps telling me to wear clothes with brighter colors.

Jea: But dark-colored suits her well.

Miryo: Chic style. (M mispronounced the first word)

Now the members will teah us the "saucy dance"!

Miryo: Lean back your upper body and shake your hip from side to side. Remember to control your facial expression to look saucy. (Singing)

Jea: The face is the most important part.

Miryo: Like this.

Host: It's really powerful when watching in such a short distance, but It doesn't look that hard. Should we dance together?

GaIn: I can tell that you feel it's hard when you're dancing.

Host: (lol)

Mriryo: Once you try the dance, you'll realize it's a bit difficult.

Jea: Lean back~

GaIn: And the facial expression.

Jea: Wow. Keep the pose and ...right, left, right, left. Wow, very good!

Narsha: Good!

Host: Thank you very much!

Narsha: We're so happy to meet our fans here in Japan. We'll do our best for the promotion, so please support us! Hanryu Fondue (program name) fighting!

100905 Brown Eyed Girls Japan Interview Part 1 (Eng Sub)

2010.09.05 「韓流フォンデュ」Brown Eyed Girls Japan Interview Part 1

credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter

*I only know very little Korean, so the translation is mainly based on the Japanese subtitles. 

-----Please take out with full credits----

Host: Let's welcome the sexy girl group, Brown Eyed Girls! Hello!

BEG: Hello! We're the Brown Eyed Girls!

Host: Thye're really cool, right?

Narrator: Our guests today are the Brown Eyed Girls formed by three vocalists and one rapper. They debuted in March 2006 with the album "Your Story" and received the 16th (2006) Seoul Music Award for Best New Artist. This time they've brought the booming "Saucy dance" to Japan and debuted on August 25th.

Host: Please introduce yourselves.

Jea: I'm the magnae-like leader, Jea. Nice to meet you.

Narsha: Hi, everyone. I'm Narsha. Nice to meet you.

Miryo: Hi, I'm the rapper in the group. My name is Miryo. Nice to meet you.

GaIn: I'm the magnae (youngest) of Brown Eyed Girls, GaIn.

Host: The real magnae. Now that we've listened to your self-introduction, but we're still curious about the Brown Eyed Girls as a group. Can you introduce the group for us?

Narsha: We are a Korean girl group, and this is our first time to perform in Japan. We'll continue to meet our fans through live performances here. And the music genre we're pursuing right now is Hybrid Soul.

Host: This is your first performance in Japan. How do you feel after finishing it?

Miryo: It's the first time here in Japan, and we are so moved that we almost cry. There are more fans than we imagined, and we're really happy. Thank you all for coming!

Host: I want a boyfriend. (probably translating the previous question)

Narrator: Also, there are some bold statements in the mini live...

Host: What type of man do you like? We'll start from Miryo then.

Miryo: well...fashionable?

Jea: Tamaki Hiroshi. I like him after I watched Nodame Cantabile.

GaIn: Odagiri Joe. Odagiri, I love you~

Narsha: Kimura Takuya. Gatzby~

Host: Do you have your own way to show sexiness? If yes, please teach us.

Jea: Pose!

GaIn: I'll show you some dance moves.

100905 韓流フォンデュ Brown Eyed Girls 電視訪問 Part 1 (含翻譯)

Credit: LOVEISBEG @ Youtube
Trans: leah_iAM @ Twitter/whoelse @ PTT- BEG


Part 1

主持人: 歡迎非常性感的女子團體Brown Eyed Girls,你們好!

BEG: 大家好,我們是Brown Eyed Girls!

主持人: 真的很帥氣呢~

旁白: 今天的來賓是由三位主唱和一位rapper所組成的實力派團體Brown Eyed Girls。BEG在2006年3月以專輯《Your Story》出道,便獲得了第16屆首爾歌謠大賞的新人獎。這次她們帶著紅遍韓國的傲慢舞於8月25日在日本出道。

主持人: 請做個自我介紹吧!

Jea: 我是像忙內的隊長Jea,很高興見到大家。

Narsha: 初次見面,大家好。我是Narsha,請多多指教。

Miryo: 初次見面,我在團體中負責rap,我叫Miryo,請多多指教。

GaIn: 我是Brown Eyed Girls的忙內GaIn。(主持人: 真正的忙內~)

主持人: 聽完了自我介紹,但是Brown Eyed Girls到底是怎樣的一個團體是不是可以跟我們介紹一下?

Narsha: 我們是韓國的女子團體,這是我們第一次站上日本的舞台,今後也會繼續透過公演和大家見面。我們所追求的是 Hybrid Soul 這樣的音樂類型。

主持人: 這次是你們在日本的第一次演出,表演完後有什麼感想嗎?

Miryo: 我們是第一次在日本公演,大家在結束後都感動得快要哭了。來的歌迷比我們想像的還要多,真的很高興,謝謝大家。

主持人: 很想要有男朋友。(可能是上一段訪問的內容)

旁白: 迷你公演中也有這樣的大膽發言~

主持人: 理想型是怎樣的人呢?從Miryo先開始吧!

Miryo: 嗯...時髦的人?

Jea: 玉木宏,因為看了交響情人夢而喜歡上的。

GaIn: 小田切讓。(小聲說:小田切 I love you)

Narsha: 木村拓哉。Gatzby~

主持人: 成員們有自己展現性感的方式嗎?如果有的話,請教教我們。

Jea: Pose! (擺姿勢)

GaIn: 我跳一小段舞~ (sexy wave)